Hard Facing Aust
BMA Coal Gonyalla Riverside Mine have increased the life of the Face Shovel teeth from 7 days to 90 days,and this has resulted in a financial gain on production by $ 931,000.(according to BMA Coal statistics )
BMA Suraji Mine also now also employs Hardfacing Australia to hardface all of their face shovel teeth with increase of life span from 6 days to 6 weeks.

Hard Facing

The pattern that Bob uses on the teeth and dozer blades ensure that the teeth self sharpen for maximum performance and life.

These teeth shown here are the same teeth taken off after 90 days in production.


Phone: 0061 7 5533 2027
Fax: 0061 7 5533 2038
Mobile 0061 4 07766317
Address: 57 Holyrood Rd, Maudsland QLD 4210